PRATT – The potential listing of the lesser prairie chicken (LPC) as a threatened or endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has raised concerns for many landowners and land managers. State and federal agencies have conducted numerous public meetings to provide information, as well as gain input from the public. To keep the information flowing and to address landowner concerns, the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) and Kansas State Research and Extension are hosting a webinar on April 30, 2013, beginning at 7 p.m.
Speakers from KDWPT, the Farm Services Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service will provide background on the LPC listing status, as well as updates on the state planning effort, goals of the plan and priority areas. Detailed information on the conservation value of land and allocation of offset payments to landowners will be provided. State and federal programs specifically designed to improve habitat for LPC and what a proposed listing means to those enrolled in federal programs will be explained.
A webinar is an online communication technique that allows those with high-speed internet access to connect with the host site to view and hear the speakers on their home computer and chat via the internet with any questions or comments. Those who don’t have high-speed internet access can participate at one of the 17 satellite sites listed below. Staff will be onsite to transmit questions and comments to presenters.
To view from home, log on to:
For more information please contact your local county extension agent or Charlie Lee ( or785-532-5734). Below are the satellite sites:
Ashland Community Building, 800 Main St., Ashland
Finney County Extension Office, 501 S. 9th St., Garden City
Western State Bank Expo Center, 11333 Hwy 283, Dodge City
Grant County Civic Center, Lawson Room, 1100 W. Patterson, Ulysses
4-H Building, 17002 W. Hwy 50, Cimarron
Hamilton County Extension Office, 520 N. Hamilton, Syracuse
4-H Building, S. Atkin St., Jetmore
Kiowa County Commons Conference Room, 320 S. Main, Greensburg
Courthouse Meeting Room, 710 W. 2nd, Oakley
Morton County Extension Office, 625 Colorado, Elkhart
Ness County 4-H Building, 105 S. Pennsylvania, Ness City
KDWPT Office, 512 SE 25th Ave., Pratt
Williams Carpenter Building, East Fairground Road, Scott City
Seward County Activity Building, 810 Stadium Road, Liberal
Sherman County 4-H Building, 417 Main Street, Goodland
Stevens County Courthouse, Memorial Hall, 200 E. 6th, Hugoton
Wakeeney Public Library, 610 Russell Ave., Wakeeney

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